Edinburgh 0.3

We are once again back in Edinburgh!
We arrived here a couple days ago, and are staying by the docks. The day we got here, Jack and I went to stay at a hostel for three nights,  because it was so fun last time. There, we met a cool diving instructor who had apparently taught Emma Watson how to dive. We also met a man who Jack and I suspect committed some terrible crime – he was too drunk to be sure, but he kept telling us that he was in Edinburgh because he had finally gotten his “ankle bracelet off and was allowed to leave.” He also said there was pictures of him all over his old town, and that he was happy to be free and be somewhere where “no one knew who he was.” Every other word he spoke was a swear word. Meeting someone who actually fills the Scottish stereotype is finally crossed off my list.
We also met a big group of people who were there for the weekend,  and ended up playing games with them all night.
I came home on Valentine’s Day morning so my parents could go out. Jack left again that night,but I have stayed in the camper, so I can recover from my cold. I’ve been sick for about a month now, not with the same cold but three different ones that occurred right after each other. It’s been lame, but I think I am finally healing. Today,the parents, Sylvia and Annabelle climbed Arthur’s Seat. Max and I didn’t go because we were sick, and because I already climbed it. I think we are having hashbrowns for dinner, which is exciting.


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