
The schools closed on March 20th in the UK. Although it was not really a surprise when they announced the closure, it was still sad. The Monday after that the lockdown was initiated and people were only allowed out for work or buying essential items, or for exercise.

Luckily, since I live in Alaska half the year and I’m homeschooled there, isolation was not too different from the way we lived back home. My days are usually spent lounging around the house and shifting between watching shows, working on the art projects I started before quarantine but couldn’t finish due to a busy schedule, going out on walks or a bike ride, just sitting somewhere and the very occasional school. There is quite a lot to do, it’s just mostly about finding the motivation or inspiration to actually do it.

However, I do miss my friends from school a lot. The main reason I was so excited about coming over to Scotland this year was because of them, so its really unfortunate that I can’t see them due to the social distancing laws. I miss getting up and going to school, too. It provided a really nice rhythm to the day, and without having the social perspective or the active one, school has become quite boring.

Something else that’s changed is that I can’t just pop into a store to buy a snack or a drink while I’m out and about (exercising, of course). There are now queues to get into the shops with each person six feet apart. The first time I saw one of the lines outside a grocery store, it looked like a bunch of people just standing there, and it took me a few seconds to realize it was the queue to get in.

Overall, being quarantined during this pandemic is definitely not that fun and it has impacted the general way of life for everyone. Although it will probably be several months until this happens, I hope that a way to deal with the virus is figured out and that I can see my friends again.

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