Oklahoma, Kansas, and a Little bit of Texas – Jack

It’s been a while internet. Well I’m back and just as blogy as ever. It’s been an uneventful drive south through the states we uneventfully drove though in a southern direction; songs were sung, books were read, bathroom stops were taken. We passed through Kansas and Oklahoma, and are a now in Texas. The most exciting memory I have of Kansas are the flies. Everywhere there was a cattle farm (which they seemed to have in every possible location because it’s Kansas) there were flies. So many flies that if you left the door or a window open for more than a second the buzzing, spiting, inside your mouth flying, plague of insects would shoot inside and make it their personal goal to irritate and horrify you.
Oklahoma was like a nicer, cleaner, less fly-full, Kansas. We stopped at Oklahoma City, it was nice, it had cool buildings and nice parks. At Oklahoma City we toured another college, after that we went to the memorial of the Oklahoma City bombing. The memorial was set up nicely; they had a chair with a glass brick at the bottom for each person that died there. We then tried to walk into the city but only made it about a block before returning to our vehicle due to parking meters. The towns in Oklahoma had numerous antique shops and old western looking buildings. Sadly Oklahoma was even less exciting than its northern pal. The Broadway musical, Oklahoma, was all downloaded and put into mamma’s phone so the time was passed screaming out show tunes and comparing it to Kansas. After our week or so of antiquing, and singing, we arrived at the border of Texas and went from city to city.

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