Amazon — Sylvia

So we are leaving Lima and we are in the back of a taxi.  We were crunched in the way back.  I was scrunched into a little ball. Then we got into the airport and got onto a plane and took a moto to a taxi for like three hours and a half and went to a place that had a boat.  A moto is where you don’t have any seatbelts and they drive on a motorcycle, that is how they drive.  We finally got to the boat and it turned it out it left!  We went to a hotel and spent the night. The hotel was nice.  It had sodas and we stayed in a nice room.  We woke up and got on a moto and went to the boat.  The boat was hot and sweaty and every place was in the sun and you had to put water on your face to keep it not sweaty, every now and then.  I went to the bathroom to put water on my face.  It was disgusting and horrible.  I liked the shower but it was from the river water and a twig or a branch could fall out of the shower so I was afraid.  When you flush the toilet it went into the river.  We bought some hammocks.  We hanged them up and then a few days passed on.  I didn’t get used to the boat.  We went to a hotel and we had a pretty good time there.  We sat there, we walked around, got popsicles, went out to eat…  I had chicken and French fries.  The next day, we went horse back riding!  We got on a boat.  A small one.  We went to a lake.  You could go fishing.  It was kind of boring  going on the boat and I think I fell asleep.  We got fried fish for dinner.  I did not like it. I fed mine to the cat.  It was a cat that was black, white and orange.  I want a cat like that.  Then I went horse back riding.  I had a fun time!

Sylvia reading Spanish Elle Magazine in the lobby of the hotel


  1. Adorable photo! And love your wonderful, detailed description of this last part of S. American section of trip. Safe travels as you head home !!!

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