Back in the US again. I’ll cover the wholes between my last post and Fort Nelson. We made it to Dawson Creek from Fort Nelson, only about 300 miles. Spent the night in the parking lot of an abandoned store, then left early the next morning. Heading south from the Alaska Highway is where Canada… Continue reading Ryan – Everett to Portland
Author: admin
Little America, Wyoming
Columbia Gorge
Camped by the lovely Deschutes River in a big field with pear trees. In the morning, Max and Annie climbed one and a ranger came and told them not to climb the trees — because he had a pear picker, which he promptly brought over along with a garbage bag and the kids picked a… Continue reading Columbia Gorge
Ryan – Part 1
Where I last left off, we were broken down in Everett, Washington. We got the trailer fixed and drove to Portland that night. The next day I got up and went into Portland on the light rail. The station I got on at was 250+ feet underground, something that was surprising for a light rail… Continue reading Ryan – Part 1
Pendleton, Oregon
We visited the Pendleton Woolen Mill and had a tour. Jack had been here with Mom a few years ago and had already done the tour. The factory cards, spins and weaves wool.
Portland Part 1
The camper wheel got fixed and we made it into Portland last night in pouring rain. Woke up early this morning, took showers and drove to the zoo. Annabelle, Sylvia and Michelle went to the zoo while Mark, Jack, Max and Jennah headed downtown. Ryan went off by himself. It rained and hailed but then… Continue reading Portland Part 1
Broke down and stuck in Everett
Yes, flames were coming from the trailer axle and quite a bit of smoke. We pulled off Highway 5 and luckily onto a road with several RV dealerships and too many mini-malls to count (oh, the lower 48!). Mark got found the parts he thought he needed and because it was 5pm, he bought extras just in… Continue reading Broke down and stuck in Everett
Leaving Vancouver — Jennah
We departed from our RV park in Vancouver. The sky was overcast, and it was a bit humid. We crossed the Canadian/American border, and we were in the US! We drove on the twisting highways, leaving Vancouver and heading towards Seattle. It started to rain lightly. We were driving serenely down the road when a… Continue reading Leaving Vancouver — Jennah
Thoughts on Canada — Jennah
We are in Canada! The land of Tim Burton’s, the biggest mall in North America (Edmonton Mall) Canadian Idol and Canadian-o’s (that’s what my brother Jack called Canadian money earlier). There was a blizzard earlier. We camped in the Fairbanks Wal-Mart parking lot on Sunday night and then drove all the way to the Canadian… Continue reading Thoughts on Canada — Jennah