Author: admin
The Frasier River Valley
Tim Hortons in Quesnel for some quality morning wifi time to update blog, check work email, download books and chat with friends.
Fort St. John and Dawson Creek
We are in dire need of internet access so we are stopping at the Fort St. John McDonalds for soda and 5 large french fries ($24!). Max needs a new library book. This McDonalds has a great playland and Team DeCorso organized a game of tag and had the entire playland playing. Downloaded 7 library… Continue reading Fort St. John and Dawson Creek
Fort Nelson
We all really like Fort Nelson. Every time we pass through we try to stay the night. The IGA always has great unexpected deals. Last time, it was perogies. This time it was fresh french bread ($1 a loaf!) so, because Saturday is traditionally DeCorso pizza night, we made french bread pizzas with pepperoni, bacon,… Continue reading Fort Nelson
Liard Hot Springs
Two fabulous days at the hot springs waiting out a snow storm.
Watson Lake
We left Whitehorse and the weather improved until about 100 miles out of Watson Lake where the roads turned to ice. Things were a little stressful until we nearly slid into a jack knifed semi truck with the trailer blocking a good part of the road. We stopped to help, the guy was pretty shaken. … Continue reading Watson Lake
We arrived in Whitehorse. Camping at the Walmart parking lot with 6 other campers. We have a problem with the new stereo, the 1993 Ford issue speakers can’t deal with it so we are searching for new ones. Its snowing hard and expected to keep snowing hard… This morning the parking lot was a sheet… Continue reading Whitehorse
Blowing snow and wind has made for slow travel.