From Mark – Coffee

We are nearing the end of our time in South America.  I haven’t posted very often, for many reasons.  Often the competition for computer time is high, especially when there is internet access.  Often I am very tired at the end of the day from doing whatever is was that day.  There are many other… Continue reading From Mark – Coffee


We headed south for 1,000 miles through desert.  Our first stop was Humberstone by Iquique, an abandoned saltpeter site and a World Heritage Site (#28). We spent the night and headed to the city of Antofagasta which is down a steep and winding road.  The Pan American is a straight highway about 50km from the coast on… Continue reading Valparaiso

Blog Post from Ryan

  Posted on April 8, 2013   I was just about to work on writing a new blog post, when I realized that I had forgotten to upload the last post I wrote. That leaves nearly a month long gap. For now, here’s Puno and Southern Peru. At the moment on I’m working on catching up… Continue reading Blog Post from Ryan

Max’s Day

 We got in to Santiago the other day and camped at a Shell gas station. Dad drove to a parking space and while Dad disconnected the camper, Ryan, Jack, Jennah, Annabelle, Sylvia and I cleaned up and walked the dogs. Mom said there was an awesome amusement park in Santiago that was only open on… Continue reading Max’s Day

Does the Easter Bunny travel through the Atacama desert?

Yes, in fact, the Easter Bunny does!  The Easter Bunny arrived with chocolate bunnies, baskets and small gifts and clues.  Easter morning was spent in the Atacama fog, a thick fog that burns off by midday.  In the Atacama, they collect water from the fog on huge polypropylene nets for drinking water and call themselves “fog catchers”… Continue reading Does the Easter Bunny travel through the Atacama desert?

San Pedro de Atacama

The desert – Team DeCorso loves the desert!  But even we desert lovers are tiring of the thousands of miles of desert we are traveling through.  It is very, very hot here.  We are also at a mere 9,000 feet elevation but the sun is brutal and Chile is missing ozone.  And plants.  And water.… Continue reading San Pedro de Atacama


We painfully crossed the border into Chile on March 20.  Chile does not like anything Peruvian so folks have to take everything out of their cars and pass it through an xray machine.  We laughed (in a crazy way) when we saw this – how long would we be here??!  But it turns out that… Continue reading Chile!

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