The Plan for Driving Through Colombia

After 7 nights in Cartagena, Team DeCorso is heading onward.  We are up early this morning, 6:45am and Mark has already left to take some bags (Christmas presents!) to the  van & camper and await the delivery of the propane.  Here in the hotel, kids are showering and charging Nook tablets.  When Mark comes back,… Continue reading The Plan for Driving Through Colombia


This may be our last night in Cartagena as the van & camper have arrived after their sea voyage.  We MAY have the vehicles as early as 10 am tomorrow so we need to be ready to leave.  We will miss the ice cold AC and the screaming wifi but we are all really looking… Continue reading Untitled

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We can track the ship with the van and camper here:

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Food in Colombia

We have a little bakery very close to our hotel and they sell hot bread in the evening stuffed with cheese.  We have been eating empanadas which are deep fried and have a thick slice of potato, an egg and cheese inside.  They sell skewers of grilled steak on every corner and we had these… Continue reading Food in Colombia

Categorized as Colombia

Cartagena — Day 1

We have decided we like our hotel.  It has ice cold air conditioning (Sylvia calls it air refreshening) and screaming fast internet (only really in the girls room) and it is clean and the beds are very comfortable.  The kids were concerned that the showers only come in one temperature (tepid) but that was all… Continue reading Cartagena — Day 1


We have arrived in Cartagena.  We stepped out of the plane onto the tarmac and the heat just hit us –  93 degrees and wet.  Because we are Alaskan, we are pale and white and not used to heat.   We were also the only non-Colombians in the entire airport.  Or the city so far.… Continue reading Cartagena

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Flying to Cartagena

Its midnight and we are all packed and ready to go.  The little kids are sleeping and we are very excited about leaving tomorrow morning.  Our plane leaves Tampa at 8:45am and we arrive in Colombia at 1:41pm.  The weather in Cartagena is 89 degrees and partly cloudy with a low of 79 degrees –… Continue reading Flying to Cartagena

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