Jack in Colombia

Cartagena is a loud, old, and crowded city. Everywhere you go you can hear the music of the land being pumped out of large sound systems that loiter outside the shops and stores. People sell practically any item they can; men carry around chains covered in padlocks in hopes that people will purchase their golden… Continue reading Jack in Colombia


We’re still in Florida and not too much has changed. The air is still hot and moist, the ground still has bugs in it, and it still is coastal. This week I went sailing on my grandfather’s sail boat and that was pretty dang exciting. I’m happy to say that I did not get motion… Continue reading Florida

Florida and Grandparents — Jack

Not too many write worthy things have happened in the past few days. My brother and father took the vehicles down to Miami for shipment and they should be back tonight. My grandparents took my sister and me to a symphony last night. The symphony was great; they preformed a Shostakovich piece wonderfully. The auditorium… Continue reading Florida and Grandparents — Jack

Categorized as About us

Flo Rida — Jack

We’ve been in Florida for a while now. Every time I spell Florida I think of Flo Rida. I don’t like Flo Rida. Florida is like one continuous suburb. The state is probably at least 20% strip mall and old people. The coolest part of the state is Miami, alligators, and the ocean. Also the… Continue reading Flo Rida — Jack

A post by Jack

Louisiana is a very pretty state. It’s full of cypress trees and bayous. We got into Louisiana and stopped at a town that we once visited a long time ago, the town of Eunice. Last time we were around these parts we stayed in a R.V park called Lake View. Anyway, last time we were… Continue reading A post by Jack

Portland yo — Jack

Today my family and I went into Portland, Oregon. We dropped my mother off at the local zoo with the younger siblings and then caught a train into downtown. At first I wasn’t really liking Portland that much because I couldn’t find any nice shops to browse but then we came to some bakery and… Continue reading Portland yo — Jack