Le Blog Post

We arrived at a place that looks like Alaska. There are numerous pine trees that frame a marshy river-pond. It smells really good, a mix of pine trees and cinnamon sugar, sort of. Good times. We parked at pullover a couple of miles Validivia. Father and Ryan drove in to the town to scope out… Continue reading Le Blog Post

The Highlands

It is very refreshing to be in the mountains again, after the hot, coastal beaches.  Unfortunately, with the pleasantly cold climates comes altitude sickness, which we all got in varying stages. Dehydration, aches and pains, headaches, and nausea are some of the symptoms. The first mountain night we spent in a lovely spot next to a creek on… Continue reading The Highlands

Lima – Jennah

We were just pulling into Lima when the trailer’s tire caught on fire. Again. Dad pulled over on a street that coincidentally had a number of mechanic shops and started to talk to the guys there whilst we went to the trailer. So the first two days in Lima were spent fixing the car. There… Continue reading Lima – Jennah

Southern Ecuador

We left Otavalo with our new dog, Lucy, and headed towards Quito. The driving day was short, and we started around late afternoon but it took us till around twilight to get through. We continued on for a while until we saw a forlorn gas station where we camped. There were two clown mobiles parked… Continue reading Southern Ecuador

Florida Day Three

Here we are in Florida. It’s warm and tropical, thought it’s a bit cooler than usual, since it’s fall/winter. The pool is chilly, about sixty five degrees, kind of chilly for swimming, but we’re Alaskan! Grandma, Grandpa, Jack and I went to a concert, Brahm’s Double Concerto. We saw Symphony No. 5, by Dmitri Shostakovich.… Continue reading Florida Day Three

Florida — Jennah

We are now in Tampa, Florida.  Grandma and Grandpa have a pool, but the water is quite chilly, but we Alaskans go swimming anyways. Tonight Jack, Grandma, Grandpa and I are going to a concert, a symphony. Father and Ryan have left to drop the trailer and van off to be freighted away to Columbia.  Our… Continue reading Florida — Jennah