Broke down and stuck in Everett

Yes, flames were coming from the trailer axle and quite a bit of smoke.  We pulled off Highway 5 and luckily onto a road with several RV dealerships and too many mini-malls to count (oh, the lower 48!).  Mark got found the parts he thought he needed and because it was 5pm, he bought extras just in case and we pulled into a Walmart parking lot.

Alas, the parts did not fit and we missed an amazing dinner (Chop-chop red kale salad with caramelized leeks, scallions, garlic, diced red bell pepper, almond slices, capers, shredded Romano cheese, tossed lightly with basalmic vinegar and topped with Champagne soaked smoked Copper river salmon, served with an ice cold Sessions™ lager) made by our very good friend Shon in Seattle, housesitting pugs.

Instead we spent a rainy night in our camper.  Made halal (our version of NYC street food) and fired up the mifi.  Woke up in the morning and Mark unhooked the camper and drove to the parts store and returned with parts and is working on the car.  The rain has stopped.  Annie and Sylvie are playing with the playmobil farm, Max is reading, Jen is writing fan fiction, Ryan is in a coffee shop and Jack is working on a Cultural Anthropology lesson.





  1. Oh Dear Mark, I am glad you carry your tools fixing it, I bet you so knew fixed everythings and new all parts before go travel, I so hope you good fix and Please care drive. Please you tell your kids I said Hi, lots miss you! Great Travels!

  2. Hey Mark, I looking pic about axle had greaseless??? Need more greases on all axles. No grease and dried burns smokes that is why.

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