Catching up

Now that we are back in the wonderful United States of America and are reunited with a new camper, we have some time to post some photos from the Amazon.

As you may remember, at one point we were traveling between the river and a jungle lake on the back of a motorcycle with all 8 DeCorsos + our guide + pfds and gear.  Here is the photo (taken by Ryan) of that setup.

Driving through the Amazon – 10 people, 6 pfds and gear all being driven by our 12 year old driver

And then we drove down this road!  It had a lot of up and downhills but it was hard to take photos due to the fact that it was pretty bumpy.

And this was the road we headed down for a long, long drive.

We borrowed a dugout canoe and floated around the jungle lake.  They were actually dugout of one log.

Wooden dug out canoes

On the river, the kids had to wear the pfds.  It doesn’t look scary here but it was absolutely scary in many places.  No where to swim ashore, just marshy banks filled with poisonous snakes, fierce fish and caimans.

Floating on the river in the canoe

Unloading a container onto a river cargo ship one evening.

Amazon sunset

A typical jungle house – actually this is quite a nice one.  Much larger than most and with a lot of pigs!  Houses have no doors or window glass or screens.  This was hard for us to imagine, given the amount and size of bugs in the Amazon.  This one also had electricity with a generator, just one single bulb.  Most houses have no electricity and just candles after sundown.

A typical jungle house

Everywhere there were piles of cocoa beans drying in the sun.  Ryan picked one up and bit it and inside were cocoa nibs and they were delicious.

Cocoa beans – we bought 5 kilos.

1 comment

  1. Fantastic photos. Can’t believe you were in this “other world” and now heading home! Safe travels. Can’t wait to see you all : )

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