Kansas In our 1800+ page Lonely Planet guide to the USA, Kansas gets only 5 pages. And now we know why – if you can’t say something nice, say nothing at all. 1. Flies 2. Facsimilies 3. Tornadoes 4. Horrible radio stations 5. The Westboro Baptist Church 6. AT&T censoring the internet so you can’t… Continue reading Kansas
Category: Big trip II Alaska to Patagonia
An overland journey with six kids and two dogs from Fairbanks, Alaska to Patagonia
La Junta, Colorado, United States — Ryan
We stayed in Denver over Halloween with my Aunt and Uncle in Aurora. I got some work done on my website, there’s now a ‘Photography’ tab at the top. It doesn’t look stellar because it’s still with WordPress, but I didn’t want to break my site and have to leave it down for a few… Continue reading La Junta, Colorado, United States — Ryan
Halloween in Denver
Halloween!! We bought 6 pizzas from Little Caesar’s – this is a new thing for us Alaskans Jack and Cassie and Ryan
Broke down and stuck in Everett
Yes, flames were coming from the trailer axle and quite a bit of smoke. We pulled off Highway 5 and luckily onto a road with several RV dealerships and too many mini-malls to count (oh, the lower 48!). Mark got found the parts he thought he needed and because it was 5pm, he bought extras just in… Continue reading Broke down and stuck in Everett
Jack’s Posting Time #2
I’ve been surviving entirely on tea and angst-y music. Now that we’re in America and cities are closer together I’m hoping to be more urban and stuff. ~Jack
We arrived in Whitehorse. Camping at the Walmart parking lot with 6 other campers. We have a problem with the new stereo, the 1993 Ford issue speakers can’t deal with it so we are searching for new ones. Its snowing hard and expected to keep snowing hard… This morning the parking lot was a sheet… Continue reading Whitehorse
Music is a very important part of our trip and we spent considerable time getting music on a new hard drive dedicated to music. Our awesome stereo (it has a color changing LED!) has a broken preamp for the aux in jack so we bought a new stereo in Fairbanks and Mark is installing it… Continue reading Music
Packing List
We are nearly all packed up. Here is what we are bringing: Technology Michelle’s work laptop Ryan’s laptop Jack’s laptop Jennah, Max, Ryan, Michelle, Sylvia & Annabelle have Nook tablets Mifi that works in Alaska, Canada and the lower 48 Three smartphones Three unlocked phones for local sim cards One unlocked phone with an international… Continue reading Packing List
Jack’s Posting Time #1
My name is Jack and I live in Fairbanks Alaska. I am fifteen years of age and my birthday happens to be July 29th. I have three sisters and two brothers. In about 23 days my family and I are leaving on a trip to South America. We are bringing our two dogs and possibly… Continue reading Jack’s Posting Time #1