Puno – Jack

Not all that much has happened since my last post so this won’t be too informative. A few days ago I was petting my wrist when I discovered that I have a cyst. It isn’t anything bad just a lovely little lump but mother wanted to make sure it wasn’t a bone spur or cancer… Continue reading Puno – Jack

Puno — Jennah

We have been in Puno for a while now, and it grows idle and slightly boring. We do have lots of hats to buy, though. The floating islands were cool, though they smelled bad. I think that the reeds under were rotting.  We walked around the reed desert and looked at what they sold.  I… Continue reading Puno — Jennah

Puno, Peru — Ryan

Note:  Ryan has his own blog which has more photos and log posts. http://www.ryandecorso.us Puno, Peru Posted on February 24, 2013 I wrote this a few days back but posted the hat post instead. First of all, the tremendous amount of support was really unexpected–I truthfully didn’t know that people even read my blog until then.… Continue reading Puno, Peru — Ryan

High Adventure in the Andes

Last time I wrote, we had been serendipitously stopped by a Carnival Parade and decided to spend six days in Abancay. The van had some maintenance that needed to be done – change transmission fluid and an oil change. We had a small issue with the car not starting sometimes so Abancay seemed like the… Continue reading High Adventure in the Andes

Categorized as Peru

The Highlands

It is very refreshing to be in the mountains again, after the hot, coastal beaches.  Unfortunately, with the pleasantly cold climates comes altitude sickness, which we all got in varying stages. Dehydration, aches and pains, headaches, and nausea are some of the symptoms. The first mountain night we spent in a lovely spot next to a creek on… Continue reading The Highlands

Chicken, french fries, balloons and spinning things — Sylvia

Today I went to a restaurant that sells chicken and french fries.  I don’t eat chicken.  I do eat french fries!  We walked to the store and bought cookies and truffles.  Truffles are candies that are coffee flavored and have nut-things in them.  The town we are in was great because it had a park… Continue reading Chicken, french fries, balloons and spinning things — Sylvia

Carnival! — Annabelle

We were driving to Cusco.  The road had lots of hills and turns and we were mostly going uphill, we made it to 15,000 feet.  We saw alpacas and chinchillas and llamas.  We were driving down the road and we made it this town called Abancay and there was a huge parade going on!  We… Continue reading Carnival! — Annabelle

Coco Tea and Mars

There is absolutely nothing wrong with chewing coco leaves. We bought a large bag of dried coco leaves and the only change I can detect from chewing them is the slight numbing of the mouth. I myself rather enjoy the numbing of the mouth. It reminds me of my time spent at the dentist and… Continue reading Coco Tea and Mars