Category: South America – USA
On our way home!
The United States of America!!
Before we left, I told the kids that when we returned they would literally want to kiss the ground in the wonderful USA. They were skeptical then — but not any more. We are back in the land of drinkable water, clean streets, traffic laws, and unending almost unimaginable choices – so many kinds of… Continue reading The United States of America!!
The New York Roller Coaster — Annabelle
While we were in Las Vegas, I really, really wanted to ride on the New York, New York Roller Coaster. I wanted to ride it because it looked really awesome and fun. The roller coaster went up 203 feet and then dropped you down 144 feet. They said it took 15 minutes to ride it… Continue reading The New York Roller Coaster — Annabelle
Catching up
Now that we are back in the wonderful United States of America and are reunited with a new camper, we have some time to post some photos from the Amazon. As you may remember, at one point we were traveling between the river and a jungle lake on the back of a motorcycle with all… Continue reading Catching up
Le Blog Post – Dallas To Washington Edition
Unfortunately, even though we were all longing to be thrust back into the teeming culture and life style of the land of the free, we couldn’t, at first. Our hotel was in the middle of a field, which in turn was surrounded by complicated freeways. We ate Domino’s pizza for dinner, which was absolutely delicious… Continue reading Le Blog Post – Dallas To Washington Edition
Rodeo — Annabelle
We left Las Vegas. We were headed to Sisters, Oregon to watch a rodeo. Mom told me rodeos were really fun. We drove through Nevada, California and then we got to Oregon. In California, we went to Nevada City and we went to visit Aunt Marian! Aunt Marian lives in a little camp. It has… Continue reading Rodeo — Annabelle
Florida Day Three
Here we are in Florida. It’s warm and tropical, thought it’s a bit cooler than usual, since it’s fall/winter. The pool is chilly, about sixty five degrees, kind of chilly for swimming, but we’re Alaskan! Grandma, Grandpa, Jack and I went to a concert, Brahm’s Double Concerto. We saw Symphony No. 5, by Dmitri Shostakovich.… Continue reading Florida Day Three
Kansas In our 1800+ page Lonely Planet guide to the USA, Kansas gets only 5 pages. And now we know why – if you can’t say something nice, say nothing at all. 1. Flies 2. Facsimilies 3. Tornadoes 4. Horrible radio stations 5. The Westboro Baptist Church 6. AT&T censoring the internet so you can’t… Continue reading Kansas
La Junta, Colorado, United States — Ryan
We stayed in Denver over Halloween with my Aunt and Uncle in Aurora. I got some work done on my website, there’s now a ‘Photography’ tab at the top. It doesn’t look stellar because it’s still with WordPress, but I didn’t want to break my site and have to leave it down for a few… Continue reading La Junta, Colorado, United States — Ryan