Today I went to a restaurant that sells chicken and french fries. I don’t eat chicken. I do eat french fries! We walked to the store and bought cookies and truffles. Truffles are candies that are coffee flavored and have nut-things in them. The town we are in was great because it had a park and it had a church and a statue. I got a balloon on the way back. Annabelle got three balloons. The balloons were for valentine’s day. I got popcorn. It was bad. I got the popcorn from a cart on the side of the street. It was a little bit burnt. After I got the popcorn we went to the restaurant. It had a spinning thing. Me and Max and Annabelle went on the spinning thing. It went around in circles. Then we had to leave.

Sorry about the bad popcorn, I hope you are feeling better.
Maybe popcorn and spinning things don’t go to well together!
Hey! I like burnt popcorn!
There’s nothing worse than bad popcorn! Popcorn is my second favorite food (after lobster).