Chile – Jennah

Chile is much nicer than Peru.

The first town we went to was Arica, Chile. It was on the coast, and while I was paranoid about tsunamies and the like, I enjoyed it. It was quite pricey, and we were worried that all of Chile would be like that.

The next place of signifigence we went to was San Pedro de Atacama, one of the dryest places in the world. The days were cool, but the sun was considerably warmer. The nights were cold and required one to swim deep in a sea of blankets.

San Pedro de Atacama had many things to do, such as sandboarding, salt lake frolicking, and horseback riding.

Jack and I, ever the social butterflies that we were, got invited to a college party out in the desert. We had already had made plans, so we did not go.

We dawdled in that town for a fair amount of time, trying to decide if we were to go to Argentina or the rest of Chile (Santiago, La Serena, Antofagasta, ect.). We eventually decided on Chile.

Before we left San Pedro we hiked among the salty flats and spikes. At the top of a particular hill there was a huge, cavernous hole. A small pool of water resided at the bottom.

We drove on.

The next town was considerably cheaper, and we went to a food court, the first food court is a long time. A very long time.

The next town was Antofagasta. It was on the coast, and we camped a couple of miles away.

Antofagasta wasn’t a big tourist destination, and we went to a large mall. A delightful discovery I made in Chile was that they had my drink of choice, Arizona Tea Raspberry Flavor. I purchased a can of said drinkJ

Easter was spent mere feet from a rocky coastal beach, the sound the waves in our ears. The next morning was spent hunting down our baskets. I got chocolate and an Amazon giftcard, which I was anxious to get music from. Unfortunately, I could not purchase it due to geographical difficulties.

We briefly departed from the coast, only to rejoin it in La Serena.

We camped at a gas station away from the ocean, more in the town. We spent the first night driving to Hiper Lider, or otherwise known as Wal-Mart (!).  We shopped and whatnot, then made our way to trailer sweet trailer.

Today we had a relaxing, scenic drive through the streets of La Serena.



1 comment

  1. Can’t believe how far south you all are! And still searching for baskets at Easter…. The E bunny must love you guys LOTS!! Have fun and keep cool/warm on this amazing trip.. Happy Easter, belated, to all of you!!

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