Christmas Fairs in General

Christmas Markets are tiny shops that have tarps over them or some are board booths made out of wood and some are inside these tents that have a ton of tiny shops built inside. In Welshpool we got there the night they turned on the Christmas lights. They turned them on in the town center. We walked there and there was music and Santa was there! We got to see him. He was in the town hall under the stairs in a broom closet but they called it Santa’s Grotto. I think a grotto is a tiny house. While we were in line to see him, there was a dancing reindeer. Me and my sister danced with the reindeer. There was a candy store where we got a big cup of candy.  We went to one that had only 10 booths and it was pouring rain, freezing cold and hailing and everywhere there were broken and ripped umbrellas, garbage cans of umbrellas, a shopping cart of broken umbrellas, broken because the wind was so strong it just tore them apart. It was windy and cold and hailing, that was the worst ever. We found a mall and went into it. It was kind of fun. It was warm for one thing. And it smelled like food. We went to Disney Store but it just had Disney stuff. We went to another toy store and it had a person who gave glitter tattoos. I got one, it was a penguin. We went to a Christmas Fair that was kind of fun. We all had some money to spend. It was in Nottingham. Nottingham is famous for Robin Hood, Robin of Locksely. I know he was pretty famous. It was back in the time of King Richard. We went to the forest he lived in, Sherwood Forest. We got to walk around and saw the great oak, it was an oak that had been alive for many, many years. It was kind of ugly. It had metal poles to hold it up because it was so old it was falling down. At the Christmas Fair in Nottingham, there was a giant slide that looked like a lighthouse. I got to go down the slide twice. It was pretty fun. Max got a sausage. My sister got hot chocolate, it had one of her favorite candies in it, a Flake Bar. It was all flaky and ground up and put into a bar. We stopped at a bookstore and there was a parade we heard but it came by and we missed it. We went to one Christmas Fair with my aunt Sara. She plays a violin in an orchestra. That was fun. We got to see her. It was cool and fun. We were in York. York looked old aged, like the middle ages. Stone walls, houses that were stone and brick and wood and painted white. While we were there, a flood happened on the River Ouze. The Christmas Fair was pretty fun. Aunt Sara bought us roasted chestnuts. I didn’t really like them. They tasted like potatoes to me. But sweeter. They had a slide there. My sister bought my mom a scarf there for Christmas. One of my mom’s friends told us to go to a pie shop there and it was actually pretty bad. It was not a sit down place and there were only three kinds of pie and they tasted bad, all of them had meat. I think meat pies are bad. The biggest Christmas Fair of all was Edinburgh! It had rides and tons of shops. There was one shop that sold really pretty cards, the cards were paper but it was like folded together so it popped up. When you opened them, there was flower bush or a reindeer or a heart or a ship or a ferris wheel. I went ice skating there with my brother Jack. I was really looking forward to ice skating. It was a big circle circling a building where you could go get hot chocolate or this stuff called mulled wine that is just like wine heated up. I got hot chocolate but my brother got wine. You only have to be 18 to have alcohol here. We got to keep the cup. My sister Annabelle, my dad and my brother Max rode some swings that were really high. I didn’t ride. I didn’t want to go. We went to see the light show, it was songs and music and a ton of lights, the lights were red, white and blue.  All these Christmas Fairs were a little bit magical.

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