Flights and things

I got to fly on a jet plane again! We flew form Santiago, Chile, to Lima, Peru. The plane we flew on had the coolest chairs ever because the seat in front of you had a screen on the back designed entirely for your entertainment. You could choose between watching movies, TV shows, or music. One of the most exciting things though, was the meal that came with the flight. Airplane food is pretty cool because you get to eat it on your little, fold out, food holder and it comes with forks and spoons and things. I got to eat this nasty sandwich and drink orange juice. I watched 500 Days of Summer on the flight to Lima, I also watched the first thirty minutes of District 9 but then I realized that that was bad flying etiquette due to the gore and myself sitting in an aisle seat. 500 Days of Summer was kind of a depressing movie but that was okay because the flight made me happy. We got to fly during the sun rise which was pretty cool because the sun rose. It took forever to leave the airport due to paper work with the dogs. We rented a driver who drove us to our beach flat. Our beach flat is kind of far outside of Lima so driving back and forth takes forever. Mom, Ryan, and I stayed for a little bit before we left again for the airport to fly to La Paz. I slept through our flight to La Paz so I didn’t get to eat my airplane food or drink my airplane drink. When we landed we had a person from the hotel waiting to drive us there. The drive took a while and since the car was amazingly tiny, my ear was sticking out of the window and semi froze. Our hotel was pretty nice, there were internet problems but other than that it was great. La Paz was built in a canyon with the richer, older section at the bottom of the canyon and the poorer and newer section at the top. There was a really beautiful music instrument museum that had instruments from all over the place. The Andean people liked to combine their instruments with different ones; they had double guitars and pan flute charangos. I got to take a charango lesson there where I learned a few chords and stuff. I actually got to buy a charango while in La Paz which was pretty cool. I got to go out for sushi in La Paz. Every day, there was a massive market outside out hotel that sold lots of sewing things and stuff like that. There were stores all over the tourist section that sold cool old things, like Bolivian currency that isn’t worth anything now and swords. Like lots of cities down here, La Paz’s streets were a lot more intense than San Francisco’s. Our flight to and from La Paz didn’t have anything special like our other one. I can’t think of much else to say. Good bye.

1 comment

  1. What a colorful description of your La Paz trip Jack . A trip of a lifetime in such colorful places Savor each day and memory 10
    Years from now you’ll will say “I did and saw THAT ?!! Wow!!!

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