We went to Ireland on a ferry and it was very nice. It had games but they cost a euro each and a free movie, Ant Man. We landed in Northern Ireland which is still part of England. When Ireland rebelled, they took over every single part except this part, which is still part of England to this day and they called it the Easter uprising. It was filled with bombs and death. Everyone was afraid they would strike again on Easter,because was that was the 100 year anniversary. We were on our way to Dublin and we stopped in a little town called Annalong and we camped right in front of a playground and we met two friends there, Alex and Kora. We had fun there playing. We were trying to watch a movie that night and some people threw rocks at us, drunken teenagers. One rock hit right in the window, luckily it did not break. Then we left Annalong and drove to Dublin. We stayed in a little town called Howth on the outskirts of Dublin. We went for a carriage ride from the Guinness storehouse to Templebar. I really wan

ted to go in a carriage, ever since South America, I wanted to ride in a horse drawn carriage! I got to drive the horse. It was great. When St Patricks day came, it was crazy and bustling. We each got a green hat and a green hoody to go to the parade. It was really crowded but we got there early and we got a great seat right in front of the bandstand where they filmed all the things and stuff. The parade was great, I loved it. Our friends were coming that day from Alaska. When we got to the bus station where we were meeting them, I started to throw up. I was sick, very sick. We started to walk to there hotel. I vomited a ton and the train station. We got to their hotel and I laid there in their bed, sick as ever. I threw up a lot. Then we had to go home to Howth. My brother and sister were staying the night. I did not throw up on the train. I laid down and went to bed. The next morning, we were going to go on rides for the Prawn Festival. We went on the

rides it was fun, I was still sick. The next day everyone came over and we got fish and chips. Dublin was kind of meh. There were parts of it with broken down windows and graffiti but parts were really nice, too. After Dublin, we drove around. There were thousands and trillions and billions of lambs , they were so adorable, I loved them and wanted to get them, Once I got stung by a stinging nettle while we were in Ireland and it hurt for days. We went to a little town where we hiked up to a cathedral and we got lunch there in a pub. I had chicken and chips, it was the town where my mom

and dad’s families were from