At five AM, Mother awoke my siblings and I to take a flight to Fort Lauderdale. Security took some time, but we were on the plane eventually. The forty-five minute plane ride passed uneventfully. We arrived in Fort Lauderdale and waited about half an hour before we had to board our flight. I got a muffin from Dunkin’ Donuts, assuming that it was chocolate chip, only to find out it was raisin! I hastily passed it off to Mother.
We boarded the plane and took off. The flight was about three hours.
We arrived in Cartagena, and when I stepped off the plane, it was so hot, I assumed it was from the plane engines. Unfortunately, not. It was always that hot.
We hailed a taxi to the hotel, where we had reserved two rooms. Ryan and Jack had one whilst Mother, Max, Annie, Sylvia and I had the other. The hotel had internet and air conditioning. We spent the remainder of the day in our hotel room, only leaving to get bread to eat from a bakery.
At nine o’clock the next morning, we stepped out into the heat to explore Cartagena. We meandered around, going to a castle, and whatnot. I started to almost pass out from lack of fluids and heat. We bought some sodas and went back to the hotel.