Max’s Day

 We got in to Santiago the other day and camped at a Shell gas station. Dad drove to a parking space and while Dad disconnected the camper, Ryan, Jack, Jennah, Annabelle, Sylvia and I cleaned up and walked the dogs. Mom said there was an awesome amusement park in Santiago that was only open on Saturdays and that we were probably not going to go to it since it was a week away. After we cleaned up and drove in to the city we headed for a market the Mom read about that sells antiques and other junk, but when we go there it was closing up. So since the market was closed we drove in to downtown and drove around town and then headed back to the camper. The next day we drove in to town and went to the museums that were there. But when we got there, it turned out that the first museum we were going to was closed, so we went to the other, but it was also closed. Next we drove to a laundry mat so we could wash are close. We managed to find the laundry mat and helped Dad hale the close there and then abandoned him at the laundry mat and walked to a mall where we were going to get donuts at the local Dunkin Donuts, but it turned out that it was more than fourteen dollars for a dozen donuts! So we didn’t get donuts, but we did get soda, but that’s part of this blog post is a minute, so we walked outside and walked down half a block to a walking street and walked up the for a little bit until Mom said that we had stop so she could text Dad. But the Messenger app crashed or something so we walked over to a small street shop and bought six sodas for eight dollars. After we got soda Annabelle needed to go to the bathroom, so we walked in to a fancy mall to see if it had a bathroom, but sadly they didn’t. As we walked out we passed an ice-cream shop, and some lucky person had a giant banana split, it was HUGE! The stand thing it was on was as big as a dinner plate and it was covered with ice-cream and banana. Mom said Jennah and I could see how much it was for one, and as it turns out it was only four dollars, so we told that to Mom and she just hummed. After looking at the ice-cream Mom said we’ll just go back to the laundry mat so Annabelle can go to the bathroom. So after a few back-tracks and turning on to the wrong streets we made it back to the laundry mat as soon as Dad finished the laundry, so we took the close back to the van and met Ryan at the van and set off to the walking mall so Dad could walk around. When we got there everything was closing and Mom wanted to go to a Lider Express which is the Wal-Mart of Chile. Mom wanted a thing of water so Dad and I want in to a small store and bought her a bottle of water, and then Mom got mad at Dad because she told us that she said we should not buy it, but me and Dad didn’t hear so we bought her a bottle of water, and then it turned out it was sparkly water! So we walked around trying to find a Lider Express. We wandered around aimlessly until Ryan asked some clean up ladies where it is, and, believe it or not, it wasn’t. So we just went to the car and back to the camper where I’m having a memory of Dad buying a thing and the guy asking where he was from and Dad said we were from North America and then the guy said the we were were Americans, then Dad laughed and said that he was also a American and then left.



Max DeCorso


  1. What a great trip!. Did you solve the trailer trouble? i hope so. (i am from Metalcar, you visited us today)

    I hope you enjoy Chile. some sguggetions if you allow me:
    eat erizos, locos, ostiones, don’t miss machas a la parmesana. all is seafood.
    try to attend to a barbicue in the south. As you get far from santiago youll find people gets more friendly. Even more if you visit not cities but little towns. there are many from Temuco to the south. In those places is easy to meet people and it would be fantastic if you have the chance to go to a barbicue , in Chilean: “un asado”. there are many ways to do that, but the best is “al palo”. type on google images “asado al palo” and youll see what i mean.
    Some other traditional foods:
    Empanada de pino
    Pastel de choclo (but we are out of season for this)

    Those 3 last are delicous and very cheap!!!!! don’t miss!!!!
    drink wine – syrah-carmenere-cabernet sauvignon.

    Good luck!!
    if you have any question,,, email.

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