Social Distancing — Sylvia

A lot has happened, such as, us going back to Scotland, me going to school, oh and well covid-19, how could I forget, well its not like schools shut down across the whole world and we’re only aloud to leave the house for exercise, but one of the lamest things is my school shutting down. I really love my school and my teachers, and it was so different than being homeschooled, you had to actually talk to people that wasn’t your family, it was such a big change, by the time school shut down I had only been in Scotland for a few months ( like two or three ) and so when I found out that school was going to close I was devastated, I had just begun to settle into place, this ment I had to say goodbye to friends for who knows how long, some of friends were supposed to leave at the end of term, and some people were leaving the country, they were horribly blue, they never might see these people again. Now I am simply locked up in my rental house, nothing to do except sit around all day, nothing interesting happens , just same old same, eating junk food and watching TV, this is the affect the corona virus has on people, ripping familys, friendship, relationships apart.

1 comment

  1. For UK Team DeCorso: The American has a list of movies.
    For USA Team DeCorso: The Queen has a list of movies.
    Happy Easter!

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