We left Puno a couple of days ago. I really liked Puno. We drove for days over the cold plateaus until we got into a cold desert plateau then we descended into a hot desert with a city. Mom had to work so we stopped at this city for a day or so. The town… Continue reading Away from Puno – Jack
Tag: Llamas
Puno – Jack
Not all that much has happened since my last post so this won’t be too informative. A few days ago I was petting my wrist when I discovered that I have a cyst. It isn’t anything bad just a lovely little lump but mother wanted to make sure it wasn’t a bone spur or cancer… Continue reading Puno – Jack
Into the Jungle — Jack
Leaving our hotel was an ordeal. Taxis had to be called in advance, dogs had to be retrieved, bags had to be repacked, and good bye’s had to be said. The trailer was in a storage, place, thing that was a good deal away from our place of lodging. Momma and Papa called up two… Continue reading Into the Jungle — Jack
Jack’s Posting Time #1
My name is Jack and I live in Fairbanks Alaska. I am fifteen years of age and my birthday happens to be July 29th. I have three sisters and two brothers. In about 23 days my family and I are leaving on a trip to South America. We are bringing our two dogs and possibly… Continue reading Jack’s Posting Time #1