We decided that we needed to leave on Thanksgiving Day to make it 420 miles to Eunice by Saturday. We reached a consensus and decided to eat Thanksgiving dinner at the Golden Corral. They did not open until 4pm. So we picked some grapefruit – Sylvia was most impressed with this project.
Then we say outside in the sunshine. The Port Isabel Park had a Thanksgiving Pot Luck that began at 12:30. The very nice people at the campground were very kind and insisted we go to the Thanksgiving potluck. We hadn’t made anything so we didn’t want to go but they kindly insisted so we went and it was very nice. Also the food later at the Golden Corral was pretty bad. We met many nice people in Port Isabel, hope they stay in touch
with us.
We hitched up the camper and drove 20 miles to the Brownsville Golden Corral. It was hot & sunny.
The Golden Corral was crowded. The kids however loved the idea. They had Blue Bell handscooped ice cream and tons of gummy bears and best of all, a cotton candy machine. We tried to stay until they closed at 8pm but we just. couldn’t. do it.
Being Black Friday, we naturally chose a gigantic shopping mall

parking lot to spend the night. We drove all the way to Corpus Christie and parked in a huge complex of stores. Jack and Ryan went Black Friday window shopping. The next day, we drove leisurely along the Texas Gulf coast through Galveston. The camper and van had to be ferried across the bay (we did this on the last trip, too). The ferry ride was great — there were dolphins!