The Train Ride & a Castle

20151111_060412We woke up really early in the morning, like 5am or something, to go to the train. We didn’t have any breakfast so everyone was really hungry. Mom made sandwiches but I don’t really like sandwiches. On the train, there was a cafeteria and a bathroom but the cafeteria was closed but in first class, they had food. So we had to eat sandwiches for lunch and I really don’t like sandwiches. The train took about three hours. It was night when we left for about an hour and then it started becoming day and then we switched trains. We got to Liverpool and we had to go to the bathroom but it cost 30 pence and there was a really long line.  Liverpool was kind of ugly. When we walked around a mall and we went into a shop to use the bathroom. We saw a kit for a gingerbread house and I was thinking of buying it when we got our camper which was at a port. We walked to a dock called the Albert Dock and it had a lot of stores. There was a candy store on the dock and a store that was named after my sister Annabelle called Annabelle’s Accessories which my sister’s name is. After that, my sister and brother showed up. My sister and brother got to the dock because they came from John Lennon’s house. I don’t know who John Lennon is. We each bo ught a scarf and it was pretty. We walked about 2 miles to the camper and dad picked us up in our camper which had just been shipped. It took about an hour to find a place to cam20151111_070003 p. We are camping at a beach with sand dunes and iron men made to look like this one man and there are 100 of them on the beach. They were creepy because they stand there and just kind of watch you. The next day, me and my brother and sister went out to explore the beach and we went way out really far because the tide was out and there was one iron man covered with barnacles and seaweed.

Before all this, we went to a castle back in our town. It was really fun. We walked around the dining hall and it was the castle where Queen Mary of Scots and her son lived and he made a coffin just for his mom, exactly of the perfect size of her exact face, eyes, dress and shoes. We went to where he made a building20151111_094744 for his mother, because of her execution. 20151111_084530She got executed by Queen Elizabeth. Queen Elizabeth chopped off her head. Before that she was in prison for 20 years. And there is a building made just for another mom, the oldest building in the castle and when the British attacked, they spared this one building. It was a tiny church. We saw the crown jewels of the castle. It was interesting. At the castle, we had snacks. My sister and brother had cake and my mom and dad had shortbread but I had crisps. Crisps are chips in Scottish. Later we went out to dinner and it was really nice. I got Bangers and Mash which means sausages and mashed potatoes. We were all really full. My brother couldn’t eat it all so he wrapped up his fish in a napkin and put it in his pocket and we called it a night.

1 comment

  1. You just made my night with this story ?… It really nice to talk to you tonight. Hope to see you soon ? enjoy the rest of your trip. Oana @ The fox and grapes

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