The UK

When we first got to the UK we flew into Scotland Edinburgh and we stayed there for about two weeks. I love Scotland its like my home away from home. Then we went into Wales, we stayed in Wales for about three weeks and toured the castles Caernarfon, Conwy, Harlech and Beaumaris (see the other posts Wales castles and Revisiting Wales). Wales was a little bit boring, but otherwise fun. Then we went to England! It was a little less Victorian then I would have thought, there was also quite a lot of trash. London was alright.
When we went back to Scotland the whole family was excited! We were heading back to Edinburgh.
I haven’t been to Ireland yet but we’re going to go there soon!

So far I like Scotland the best even though I can’t understand what people saying half the time because of their accents.
I can’t wait until we go to Ireland!

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